Flask Multi-threading

Processes and threads are used to allocate computer resources in an optimal manner.


  • A process is a unit for OS to allocate computing resources
  • Each application has at least one process
  • A process is the basic unit for applications to compete for computing resources

If a computer only has one core, there is only one process at one time.
However CPU is able to switch from different application processes,yet it’s very costly for the system.

A good OS needs to find the balance of switching enough applications without consuming too much resource.


  • A thread is part of a process
  • Each process may have one or more threads
  • As CPU is getting faster and faster, using only process to manage computing resources is not fine-grained enough.
  • A thread is a even smaller unit competing for the computing resources
  • It costs much less to switch applications with thread than with process
  • A thread uses CPU to execute the code


For single thread, codes are executed linearly, e.g.

import threading
import time

def worker():
    t = threading.current_thread()


t = threading.current_thread()

It will execute worker, sleep for 5s, print “MainThread” then execute t, print “MainThread” again.

For multi-threads, codes are executed at the same time.

import threading
import time

def worker():
    t1 = threading.current_thread()


new_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, name="NewThread")

t = threading.current_thread()

It will print “MainThread” first, wait for 5s then print “NewThread”

  • The key benefit of multi-threading is to fully use CPU’s capacity
  • It’s a type of asynchronous programming

Benefits of Multi-Threading

  • For multi-core computers, each core can run a thread
  • Multi-threading is able to run programs in parallel
  • However, Python is not capable of fully enjoying the benefits of multi-core CPU due to GIL

Global Interpreter Lock

  • Due to GIL, python can only perform single-core single-thread at one time

So, why GIL is needed?

  • It’s for the thread security
  • A single process has multiple threads, which can access and share the same resources for that process, causing thread insecurity

An example:

  • In thread A

    1. a = 3
    2. a += 1
    3. print a
  • In thread B

    1. a += 1
    2. print a

Since both threads have access to a and change its value, it’s very possible that a +=1 is not finished
before thread B is switched on, hence its result is not certain here

As a result, Lock is introduced for certain var’s value and operation, only one thread is needed at one time

There are two types of locks:

  • “Fine-Grained” lock: lock customized and added by the coder
  • “Coarse-Grained” lock: GIS, which guarantees thread security to some extent

Also a note:

  • GIL is supported by cpython, but not in jpython

However, Python can use multi-process with process communication tech to enjoy the benefits of the multi-core CPU,
yet the cost of switching between different processes is far more than that of switching different threads

IO Intensive vs. CPU Intensive

  • For CPU intensive programs, e.g. ffmpeg, image processing etc. Python has its limitations on multi-threading
  • For IO intensive programs, e.g. CRUD, web request, file I/O etc., Python can utilize the wait time for multi-threading
  • Most of the common programs are IO intensive

Issues with multi-threading in Flask

  • The relationship between sending and processing requests
  • Flask’s own webserver is single-process single-thread
  • For a multi-threaded request, it’s unclear which Request object is used at the moment. If there are some changes to be made on certain request,
    it can’t be guaranteed that the targeted request instance is changed, which results in contaminated data.


  • To solve the issues of multi-threading in Flask we can use dictionary data structure, e.g.
request = {thread_id1: Request1, thread_id2: Request2, ...}
  • Flask uses werkzeug Local class
import threading
import time

class A:
    b = 1

my_obj = A()

def worker():
    my_obj.b = 2

new_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, name="NewThread")


In the example above, class A is not a local thread, hence the result of above code is 2

However if we use Local

import threading
import time

from werkzeug.local import Local

my_obj = Local()
my_obj.b = 1

def worker():
    my_obj.b = 2
    print("in new thread b is: " + str(my_obj.b))

new_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, name="NewThread")

print("in main thread b is: " + str(my_obj.b))

The print out result is

in new thread b is: 2
in main thread b is: 1


There are two local stacks in Flask

  • _app_ctx_stack
  • _request_ctx_stack

They are both LocalStack, which is a type of Local class

The relationship between LocalStack, Local and Dictionary

  • Local is a type of threading separator implemented with dict

  • LocalStack is a type of threading separator stack implemented with Local

  • It shows the encapsulation thought in OOP. If encapsulation once is not enough, do it one more time

    • LocalStack <== Local <== Dict
  • The key for using LocalStack is for the current thread to point correctly to the object created by this thread,
    instead of object created by the other thread

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《Flask Multi-threading》 by Isaac Zhou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License